Wall Painting

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Ans. In comparision to the digital world. wall painting advertising is very cost effective. For publicity of any brand, spreading the social messages wall paintng advertising is more efficient in terms of publicity in less expense and when the market is to be creached on ground level. Thatโ€™s W

Ans. Outdoor Wall painting Advertising, Slogan writing, Beautifications of Walls, Manual Wall Painting Advertising and Digital Wall Painting are high quality and durable advertising services . Truewalls is a leading advertising agency, providing services across 28 states and 8 Union territories of India.

Ans. Truewalls is the PAN India wall painting agency, providing wall painting solutions in all the state, each and every village and city from Kashmir to Kanya Kumari. There are 28 states and 8 Union territories in India, where Truewalls is executing various wall advertising and wall painting branding campaigns. Currently, there are 24 states where wall painting advertisings are operational.

Ans. The Target Locations are National Highways, Dealer Shops, Shutters, Rural Areas Etc.

Ans. The minimum average wall size is 200 Sqft.

Ans. Basic Wall rent covered, but for Govt. Walls, Municipal Taxes that will be additional chargeable.

Ans. Target locations provided by the customers or can execute the wall painting in maximum visibility areas.

Ans. Through Whatsapp group daily status of execution will be shared with GPRS tagging Photographs.

Ans. It depends on the minmum wall size, Art work/ Designs target locations of the wall painting. Whether it is normal Wall painting or high rise wall painting? Shop painting or shutter paintings? Truewalls offers cost effective wall painting services in all over India.

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